按作者筛选: 雷切尔·惠勒 清晰的过滤器

十博体育链接欢迎Bruce Kettler担任主席兼首席执行官

印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会 today announced that Bruce Kettler will be the organization’s next president and CEO. 他将于1月初加入ACI.

在加入ACI担任总裁兼首席执行官之前, Kettler served as the director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture and the director of agribusiness development for the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. 在这些角色中, 凯勒专注于农业宣传, 经济发展, 青年发展和环境管理.


来自ACI董事会:ACI总裁Amy Cornell辞职

带着悲伤和感激, 印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会董事会宣布艾米·康奈尔, ACI总统, 她将在8月底离职吗. Amy于2017年加入ACI担任总裁. 

“It has been an honor and inspiration to spend the last five years serving Indiana’s agribusinesses as president of ACI,康奈尔说. “My decision to step down is bittersweet – I’m excited to embark on a new challenge and new chapter of my career, 但这个组织是我最关心的. 当我回首往事, I’m so proud of all that we’ve accomplished: the successful merger of several organizations to form ACI as we know it today; bringing the 4R Certification program to Indiana; increasing our clout at the Statehouse and creating the 农业企业中的女性 program, 帮助数百名女性培养领导技能的方法是什么. I’ll always be grateful for the personal relationships and friendships I’ve made during my time with this organization and for the members who made our work possible.”


州长霍尔科姆签署hea1483. 现在?

州长Eric Holcomb于2021年4月29日签署了HEA 1483. Because an emergency was declared for the act the bill took effect upon the Governor's signature. 你现在需要做什么?

开始定价旧DP 合同: If the deferred pricing agreement in connection with a grain purchase was entered into before 7月y 1, 2021, you must complete all payment obligations to farmers under the agreement before January 1, 2024.  After January 1, 2024, the agency can issue a monthly fine for non-compliance of this section.  



DOR wants to remind you to apply for new OSW permits in their current system by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, 2月2日. 在那之后, no new OSW permit applications will be accepted until the new Indiana Oversize/Overweight Permitting System goes live the morning of Monday, 2月8日. 你将有 4 p.m. 美国东部时间2月4日星期四,以支付和下载以前在我们现行系统中申请的许可证.




1月. 29日,职业安全与健康管理局发布了最新的 《十博体育链接》." 在新指导方针的简报中, OSHA officials indicated that the updated guidance is in response to President Joe Biden’s Jan. 21 行政命令 directing the agency to issue revised guidance to employers on workplace safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new guidance says that employers should implement COVID-19 prevention programs in the workplace, including: conducting a hazard assessment; identifying a combination of measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace; adopting measures to ensure that workers who are infected or potentially infected are separated and sent home from the workplace; and implementing protections from retaliation for workers who raise COVID-19 related concerns.



ACI members now have access to internationally recognized leadership development programs

It is commonly accepted that Indiana’s agribusinesses are facing more challenges today than ever before. 各组织必须应对不确定的市场和全球性流行病, while also providing their teams the skills to thrive in an ever-changing environment.


印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会 Presents Legislator of the Year 奖 to Senator Jean Leising 和众议员唐·勒赫

印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州. -星期二, 11月17日, 印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会 presented its inaugural Legislator of the Year awards to Senator Jen Leising, 参议院农业委员会主席, 和众议员唐·勒赫, 众议院农业和农村发展委员会主席.




印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州. – 印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会 is proud to announce the launch of Indiana’s 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program. 印第安纳州四家零售店, 哪些机构参与了试点审核, 印第安纳州第一个获得4R认证的地点是哪里. 新认证的地点是:

  • 印第安纳州罗斯维尔的作物肥力专家说.
  • 印第安纳州伯尔尼的海伦娜.
  • 印第安纳州滑铁卢的安德森一家.
  • 印第安纳州米切尔的白河鸡舍.

“印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会 has been planning the implementation of a 4R certification program in Indiana for more than three years,ACI主席艾米·康奈尔说. “We are so grateful to the Indiana Agriculture Nutrient Alliance for their help getting this program off the ground, 还有马赛克公司, The Nature Conservancy and The Fertilizer Institute for their guidance and the generous grants offered on behalf of 4R.”


印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会 Launches Pilot Audits for an Indiana 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program

印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会, 与印第安纳农业营养联盟合作, is proud to announce the launch of a pilot audit for an Indiana 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program. Five Indiana retail locations are currently participating in the pilot audit to ensure the program’s success when it officially launches.

“在过去三年里, 印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会一直在研究, 研究, seeking input and discussing with its members the implementation of a 4R certification program in Indiana,ACI主席艾米·康奈尔说. “We are so grateful to the Indiana Agriculture Nutrient Alliance for their help getting this program off the ground, 还有马赛克公司, The Nature Conservancy and The Fertilizer Institute for the generous grants offered on behalf of 4R.”



周二, 9月1日, 印第安纳州农业综合企业委员会 presented its inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award to Sonny Beck, 贝克混合动力车的首席执行官, which under Beck’s leadership has become the largest family-owned retail seed company in the United States.

这个奖项, 由ACI董事会投票决定, 表彰对印第安纳州农业综合企业的重大和持久贡献.


思科公司 Board of Directors Names Natalie Markle as next President and Chief Executive Officer

祝贺ACI董事会成员娜塔莉·马克尔, 谁被任命为思科公司的总裁兼首席执行官. 思科公司, 成立于1965年, 是一家家族企业,为中西部地区的独立零售商提供服务. 思科为2000多家企业提供广泛的产品, 包括种子, 草坪及花园用品, 农业产品, 鸟类产品及更多.


ACI President Amy Cornell on the Implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

ACI President Amy Cornell on the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA):

“ACI感谢特朗普总统.S. 贸易代表罗伯特·莱特希泽, 众议院议长南希·佩洛西, 少数党领袖凯文·麦卡锡, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for their efforts to ensure that North American markets remain open and fair.
